Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 7 -- Lesson Learned

To all,

Good evening,

I have finished my 3rd week in a row of chemo and now I have a week off.

I hope to be able to conserve my energy this week to attend Rabbi Bulka's Tribute Dinner on June 11th and to participate in the ORCF's Ultimate Run for Men's Cancers on June 15th.

I will have to be realistic of what I am capable of doing. As the She-Devil said to me a 2km walk for me is a 42km walk for her. This gave me a good perspective.
I will start with the whole Family including my Mother and we will see how it goes. I am okay to be a cheerleader.

Recent lesson learned.

Friday night I took a bath at 10:00pm and then had a great sleep, probably my best in a very long time.
Wow, at 57 years old, I finally figured out how to have a good night's sleep. Hopefully it will continue to work each night.

Being a simple engineer, I like simple game shows. My favourite is Family Feud.
Contestants are asked questions and they try to respond with one of the top 4-7 answers which are asked of 100 people.

Recently, a question was "We surveyed 100 married women and asked them, where do you see naked men?" Well Liz can now answer, "In my bath tub."

As always Liz has been so helpful and understanding with me. I could not take my baths without her assistance. I am so thankful and blessed.

Just want to follow up on my last week's request to support the Ultimate Run for Men's Cancers on Father's Day.

Last year I raised just over $40,000 and had 72 donors.
I do not aspire to match what I raised last year, but I would like to exceed the number of donors, hopefully to over 100. Presently I have 45 sponsors.

This will show to the ORCF how supportive our community is for the remarkable services that they provide to assist those battling cancer.

I thank those who have already contributed.

Below is the link to donate and the opportunity to sponsor me.

Your participation is what is meaningful to me, not the amount contributed.

Many thanks in advance.

Be healthy, be happy and appreciate what you have.

Lots of love,


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