To All,
It is a miracle!
I am proud to report that I have finished 2 novels in one month.
If you remember, I received a nice t-shirt from one of my daughters that said, "I never read, I just look at pictures."
Well life has definitely changed for me. Considering I was in my 5th year trying to finish "Good to Great."
I am now reading Rabbi Bulka's "Chapters of the Sages, A Psychological Commentary on Pirkey Avoth."
My reading time has certainly increased.
Life has been busy for me and meaningful for me.
On May 21st I had my portacath installed at TOH. It has given much more flexibility.
After the final maintenance on it on May 28th, I have now had a shower on 3 consecutive days.
I miss shampooing my hair but on the other hand I do not have to blow dry it.
On May 22nd I had my 3rd round of chemo.
It went well, though starting at 11:30 made it a long day.
Liz's driving was great.
On May 23rd I had a very nice visit from a recently married couple and the bride's Mother.
I unfortunately was not able to attend their wedding in Montreal.
Receiving a blessing from a recently married couple was very much appreciated.
On May 24th I had another nice visit from a good friend, a cancer champion.
On May 26th I went out for my first lunch with another good friend.
Later that day I attended the wedding ceremony of another good friend's daughter.
An added plus was Ariel was one of the bridesmaids.
I did not stay for the reception, but it was my first time out, though only for an hour.
I once again had an opportunity to show off my new Harry Rosen threads.
On May 26th I did start again my 5 days of Neupogen.
Liz has perfected the injection.
Hopefully it will work again and provide satisfactory blood work for my upcoming chemo.
On May 27th I went to the office for the first time in over 2 months.
It was good to say hello and get updates on how the office was doing.
I must say I was a bit hesitant when I opened the front door to go in.
On May 28th I had a dentist appointment and made 2 visits downtown.
I am busy and I am truly appreciating what I can do and what more I would like to do.
I have been very tired each day so what I can do is limiting but when I do get out or meet people it is so rewarding.
I am battling cancer, but it is just a challenge.
As an engineer one tackles challenges all the time and in the same way.
Identify the problem, consult the necessary expertise and implement an agreed upon solution.
I am so happy with the medical team that is there for me.
I have such confidence with Dr. Metrakos, Dr. Bouganim, Dr.Tobin, The Royal Victoria Oncology clinic, TOH, Champlain Community Care Access Centre and Carefor.
Assistance from Dr. Kitts and Dr. Mimeault of TOH has been greatly appreciated.
I do have my moments, but as many have said to me, that is only being human.
My next chemo is June 4 and it will be my trial 3 week cycle.
Hopefully with its success, I will do another treatment on June 25th which will assist immensely with our Family 2 week vacation starting on June 28th.
In summary, I am doing well, my head is in the right space and I love my Family and Friends.
Enjoy the weekend,
All the very best,
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